Friday, July 30, 2021

holiday story

 last we i went to mega zone for the holidays and had fun playing the arcade games and play laser tag and bumper cars i was driveing but my dad and my cousin keep on getting me so many times it was not fair for me but they just said shush so i shushed. me and my dad we were playing laser tag and after laser tag i won i said haha suckers they were sad my famliy cam after that we left to go eat snacks and i saw someone from my old school thier i said hi and he said hi it was my friend willam me and him did our hand shake and said bye becuse he had to go so we got home and i said im gonna go play call of duty and my cousin said can i pla. and i said yes so we playd for 24 hours and we got bord and i went a asked for some snacks for me and my cousins i went and said it again and she said here she gave me a choclate and choclate chips and chips honey yay i said she said stop and i said ok ok she told me to see my brother if hes sleeping or not ok so i checked up on him and my 2 dogs hops and desile they barked and i was scared and my cousin said shut up out of no where i do not know why when i got in the room and the lights were on and he looked at me and said you dead i ran and hide under the bed and my cousin said why you runing for hes coming whos coming said my cousin with my brother came in the room and said hahahahhahahahahhaha my cousin and me looked at each other and that the end of our lifes help help sceaming me and my cousin the end

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