Thursday, September 16, 2021

Russian Celebrations

 what are russian celebrations

1 - 10January — New Year Holidays

January — Christmas, Russian Orthodox

23 February — Defender of Motherland Day

8 March — International Women’s Day

1 May — Spring and Labor Day

9 May — Victory Day (Over German Nazism in the WW2

12 June — Day of Russia

4 November — Day of the National Unity.


The New Year is first on the calendar and in popularity. Many celebrate it twice, on January 1 and 14 (which corresponds to January 1 in the Julian calendar, used in Russia before 1918.

Next is February 23, Day, known until recently as Soviet Army Day, popularly viewed as holiday for all men and closely followed by its female counter-part, Women’s Day, March 8, when women receive flowers, presents and are toasted by men.

Mayday, until recently officially termed International Workers’ Solidarity Day, is now known as Spring and Labour Day. On some years, it occurs on or close to with Russian Orthodox Easter, so some people celebrate in church while some attend customary demonstrations.

Russia celebrates Victory Day on May 9 to commemorate the millions fallen in World War II. Flowers and wreaths are laid on wartime graves on this day, and veterans come out into the streets wearing their military orders and medals. Alas, there are fewer of them with every passing year.

June 12 is Russia’s Independence Day, which commemorates the adoption in 1991 of the Declaration of Sovereignty of the Russian Federation.

November 4 - Day of the National Unity is the newest Russian holiday.

Church feasts have been reborn. Easter is celebrated nationwide, as of old, and Christmas became a day off. Muslims, Jews and Buddhists also celebrate their feasts without fear of secular authorities.

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